Sustainable governance
SCA’s sustainability work is an integral part of our business model and operations. Governance and follow-up of sustainability work follows the same model as other operations in SCA.
The Board and the President bear the overall responsibility for the running of SCA’s business in the field of sustainability. SCA’s sustainability agenda is headed by the Group’s Sustainability Council, which includes members of the Executive Management and the Group’s Sustainability Director. There are also a number of cross-functional networks to manage and coordinate specific issues, such as the environment and work environment. Responsibility for implementation rests with the line organization.
Issues of compliance are addressed by various bodies at Group level. The Group has a compliance council to coordinate and follow-up work within the Group. Risks linked to the field of sustainability are included in the Group’s total risk management.
The sustainability agenda is based on SCA’s set of core values and regulated through the Group’s policies, where the Code of Conduct and Sustainability Policy form the foundation. We formulate our Group targets, which are the same as our sustainability targets, based on the materiality assessment and strategic priorities.
The illustration shows the structure for control and follow-up of our sustainability work. It follows the same model as other operations in SCA.