Chain of custody certification
SCA holds both PEFC and FSC® Chain-of-Custody certification. With this, we can sell certified raw material to SCA's sawmills and industries and they can sell certified products to their customers.
SCA's sawmills, pulp mills, containerboard mills and the pellets production are chain-of-custody certified according to FSC and PEFC (FSC® C023232, FSC®C013162, PEFC/05-32-133 och PEFC/05-33-132).
The plants are provided with wood raw material from certified forests or with controlled wood, i. e. wood that does not come from controversial sources according to FSC Controlled Wood or PEFC Controlled Sources.
FSC Controlled Wood
Chain of Custody certification is required by every company that manufacture, processes or sells FSC-certified timber. One basic requirement is that SCA Skog has a system for monitoring and differentiating FSC-certified raw material from non-certified raw material.
Since SCA Skog does not only trade in FSC-certified raw materials, the non-certified raw material must comply with FSC Controlled Wood requirements, which is a separate standard.
As a result, SCA Skog demands that timber is not derived from controversial sources in the company's timber transactions. This applies to timber purchased in Sweden as well as the small volumes we purchase from other countries. The seller must be able to guarantee that the timber has been harvested legally and is not derived from key habitats. SCA Skog monitors these requirements by carrying out risk assessments and random checks of suppliers.
A company with Chain-of-Custody certification must:
- have a quality management system for internal procedures
- have a management system to ensure compliance with all certification requirements
- be able to track the wood product/fiber used in FSC products
- be able to track the wood product/fiber
- be able to test and document the FSC production on a monthly basis
- be able to test and document the production on a monthly basis
- be able to stamp invoices and transport documents for FSC products with a certification number
- be able to stamp invoices and transport documents for certified products with a certification number
- be able to use FSC's brand correctly on the FSC products
An independent certifier determines whether SCA Skog AB meets these requirements.
PEFC Chain of Custody
Companies that want to sell their products as PEFC certified must be able to verify that the raw material comes from a PEFC-certified forest. The aim of PEFC Chain of Custody certification is to provide a reliable and credible method for companies when assuring customers of the origin of the raw material.
The PEFC Chain of Custody standard comprises:
Chain of Custody requirements
Chain of Custody requirements comprise documentation about the source of the delivered raw product to documentation about the source that is included on the company's products.
Risk analysis requirements - controlled origin
Uncertified deliveries require a risk analysis in accordance with PEFC DDS (Due Diligence System) to avoid wood from controversial sources.
Minimum management system requirement
The standard describes the minimum requirements that an organization's management system must meet in order to implement and manage the chain-of-custody process.
Social requirements
An independent certifier tests whether SCA Skog meets these requirements.