Code of Conduct
SCA’s Code of Conduct is the compass that helps us translate our core values into practical action. It describes how we should act in terms of business ethics, health and safety, employee relations, and respect for human rights, the environment and society.
The Code is our foremost steering document in terms of sustainability and together with the Sustainability Policy forms the basis of our sustainability agenda. The Code is a practical guide that helps us to make the right decisions in everyday situations. It is also a starting point for the SCA Supplier Standard, which is used to drive shared values and priorities throughout the supply chain.
Efforts to promote sound business practices, good working conditions and well-being all start from the Code, but that is not where they end. To follow through on these efforts, we analyze risks, train employees and partners, and check our own and suppliers’ plants.
Routine training
The Code of Conduct applies to all employees at SCA. All new employees are educated in the Code as part of their introduction. Every third year, employees take part in a refresher course. SCA also has a training program on anti-corruption and rules regarding competition law.
SCA has established a Compliance Council that oversees the implementation of and alignment with the Code of Conduct. The Council also follows up outcomes and actions taken concerning reported cases.
A broad base for the Code
The Code is based on the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) Core Conventions, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact.
Suspected violations of the Code
SCA encourages all employees to report suspected violations of the Code of Conduct or laws and regulations. The violation can be reported to a line manager, HR manager, legal counsel or to a union or works council representative. There is also a whistleblower system where anonymous reports can be submitted. The system is also open to individuals not employed at SCA.
Some of the most important examples from the Code

Human rights
We respect and promote human rights and expect the same from our business partners. We support and respect internationally prescribed human rights in all places where we conduct business.

Health and safety
SCA’s most important goal is that everyone should return home healthy and unscathed from work. Our ZERO program enables us to work methodically with issues linked to health and safety.

Rights of indigenous people – joint planning and reindeer husbandry
We respect the rights of indigenous peoples and consider their social, cultural, environmental and economic interests.

Business ethics
Unethical business, bribery, and any other form of corrupt activity are strictly prohibited. We comply with laws, regulations and SCA policies and instructions and work to prevent cartel formation and price collusion.