SCA’s board chairman leaves his assignment in 2016

  • Regulatory press release

SCA’s Chairman of the Board Sverker Martin-Löf has informed the company's principal owners, that he is not available for re-election at the annual general meetings during the spring 2016 in the listed companies, where he currently holds board assignments.

Stockholm, December 16, 2014
SCA (publ)
For further information, please contact:
Mikael Schmidt, Group Function Legal Affairs, tel. +46-8 788 51 59


This information is such that SCA must disclose in accordance with the Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication on December 16, 2014, at 18:15 CET.

For further information, please contact:
Karl Stoltz, Media Relations Manager, 46 8 788 51 55