SCA's Annual General Meeting 2003

  • Regulatory press release

SCA's Annual General Meeting 2003 Dividend The Annual General Meeting approved the dividend of SEK 9.60 (8.75) per share for fiscal year 2002. Accordingly, the dividend has increased 12% annually during the past five years. The record date for the dividend is 8 April 2002 and payment of dividend by VPC (the Swedish Securities Register Center) is expected on 11 April 2003. Election of new Board members The Annual General Meeting elected Indra Åsander and Rolf Börjesson to the Board of Directors. Indra Åsander, born in 1956, is manager of TeliaSonera's Swedish consumer segment. Rolf Börjesson, born in 1942, is CEO of the British packaging company Rexam. Sören Gyll, Tom Hedelius, Sverker Martin-Löf, Anders Nyrén, Lars Ramqvist and Jan Åström were re- elected. At the statutory Board meeting, Sverker Martin-Löf was re-elected Chairman. Purchase and transfer of own shares The Annual General Meeting resolved to authorize the Board during the period until the next Annual General Meeting, to decide on the purchase of the company's own shares on the stock exchange. The company's purchase of own shares may amount up to 10% of the total number of shares in the company. The purpose is to provide the Board with the possibility to use the company's own shares as payment for acquisitions, to hedge the costs arising from the company's incentive program and to continuously adapt the company's capital structure. The speech delivered by President and CEO Jan Åström at the Annual General Meeting is presented at SCA's website The speech is available from 4 April. Stockholm, 3 April 2003 SVENSKA CELLULOSA AKTIEBOLAGET SCA (publ) Communications and Investor Relations For further information, please contact: Jan Åström, President and CEO. Phone: +46 70-586 07 01 Michael Bertorp, Executive Vice President. Phone: +46 70-590 51 22 Peter Nyquist, Senior Vice President Communications and Investor Relations. Phone: +46 70-575 29 06 ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: