SCA’s Christmas gifts to cancer research, Ukraine and support in the Baltics
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SCA’s Christmas gift to the company’s employees in 2022 was a donation of 1.5 MSEK to four recipients.
All employees were asked to prioritize one of four organizations through a vote on the company's intranet. For the 2022 Christmas present, the following organizations were eligible:
- Cancer Research Foundation Northern Sweden
- Star of Hope, in support of Ukraine
- Foundation Livslust in Latvia
- SOS children´s Village in Estonia
As a result, Cancer Research Foundation Northern Sweden will receive SEK 826, 000, Star of Hope SEK 353,000, SOS children´s Village in Estonia gets SEK 188,000 and Foundation Livslust in Latvia gets SEK 133,000.
The donations are being transferred to the four organizations together with a warm greeting from SCA’s employees.
For further information, please contact: Anders Edholm, Senior Vice President, Group Communications, +46 60 19 32 12
Photo: Magnus Eklund