SCA's annual report retains first place in 2021
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Most gratifying, SCA’s annual report has once again been designated as No. 1. This in a comparison with a total of 500 other annual reports.
The audited annual reports have been rated in the international survey “Annual Reports on Annual Reports”.
The motivation reads: “SCA's annual report is both well written and well designed. It explains how SCA creates value and the history of the company in a good way and maintains a high level in all areas. By combining text with graphic elements, the content becomes easy to absorb. Despite the lack of an online version of the report, SCA retains the top position this year as well. ”
One focus this year is that the assessment has placed increased focus on ESG, which among other things concerns the area of sustainability in various ways. Other parts of the evaluation concern the CEO's words, the year in brief, strategy and the financial parts as well as the design and user-friendliness of the annual report.
“We are very happy that our annual report is appreciated and valued so highly and also in international competition. Most of the other companies on the list are significantly larger than SCA, and thus have greater resources to put on the annual report. This is a true team effort where strong commitment, hard work and coordination have been the keys to delivering quality. On these three areas we have also received credits from the agency that we collaborate with in the project. This is something that everyone involved should take in, when it comes to, for example, financial statements, proofreading and photography”, says Josefine Bonnevier, responsible for Investor Relations at SCA and project manager for SCA's annual report.
“The ambition in the 2020 annual report was to describe, in an easily accessible way, how SCA has created value in and of our growing forest resource for almost a century. We have also put energy into presenting the transformation that SCA is currently implementing to switch to more product areas with long-term good conditions. We are now working on the annual report for 2021, and our goal is to produce something at least as good as last year’s annual report”, concludes Josefine Bonnevier.
Read more in Comprend's press release, which also contains the list of top 20
Photo: Bo Fernström