Natural geographical regions

In our work to preserve biodiversity on a landscape level, that means within larger geographical areas, we assume from de 15 natural geographical regions where our forest holdings is.

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has specified in the environmental objective “Sustainable Forests” that the goal is to preserve the biodiversity of forests in natural geographical regions. Sweden is divided into 29 natural geographical regions, based on both biological and geological factors in the landscape as well at the topograhy.

When we account for the effects of SCA’s forestry from a landscape perspective, we assume from de 15 natural geographical regions where SCA has its forest holdings. See the chart below.

Within our forest holdings, we work by identifying forest areas with high conservation values, and validate what kind of function they have in the landscape. This means that concentrations of areas with high conservation value, will be considered when we choose which forest shall be set aside or managed with continous cover forestry.

The purpose with this is to promote the connectivity in the landscape (also called the green infrastructure), which means giving species in the forest the opportunity to live and spread within their natural range. This is also in line with the environmental objective “Sustainable Forests”.

Natural geographical regions

Here is a list of the 15 natural geographical regions, where SCA has its forest holdings. For each natural geographical region we account for:

  • Size of SCA’s own forest holdings within the natural geographical regions
  • Share of SCA land that are voluntary set-aside
  • Share of SCA land that are managed with Continuous Cover Forestry (Combined targets)

County: Y - Västernorrland, Z - Jämtland, BD - Norrbotten, AC - Västerbotten, X - Gävleborg

Natural geographical regions Size of SCA's own forest holdings (hectares) Share of SCA land that are voluntary set-asides (%)

Share of SCA land that are managed with continous cover forestry (combined targets %)

Vågig bergkullterräng (S,T, W, X, Y, Z, AC) 955,600 6.3 4.7
Bergkullslätt (Y, Z, AC) 305,200 5.5 0.8
Nordlig boreal i inre Lappland 187,900 10.3 1.4
Vågig bergkullterräng (AC, BD) 148,200 7.7 1.7
Starkt kuperat sydlig boreal (X, Y) 99,000 4.7 1.7
Bergkullslätt (AC, BD) 77,500 7.8 1.4
Dalarnas och Härjedalens näringsfattiga områden 74,500 12.2 3
Jämtlands kambro-silurområde 67,600 6.7 2.5
Nordlig boreal barr- och fjällövskog i norra Jämtland 52,200 15 2.2
Norra Bottenvikens kustslätt (Y, AC, BD) 32,000 5.1 0.7
Rundade lågfjäll norra Jämtland - sydvästra Kiruna kommun 18,900 62.8 5.8
Fjällen i Dalarna, Härjedalen och södra Jämtland 18,200 70.4 5.4
Norra Bottenvikens kustslätt (BD) 16,500 4.9 0.9
Norra barrskogs-Lappland 15,700 10.5 1.5
Nordlig boreal barr-och lövskogs i västra Jämtland 9,500 10.8 1.8
TOTAL (productive forest land) 2,078,500    

Map over SCA's forest holdings

To the map