Our forest roads

Our forest roads that are open to traffic can be used by hunters, fishermen, berry pickers and others who want to visit our forest.

Normally, our roads that are open to traffic can be used by everyone who want to visit the forest. In some cases, however, there may be certain restrictions on the opening of our forest roads. For example, in connection with spring when there is risk of a severe spring thaw weakening after the roads have been frozen, autumn rain or if forestry work is taking place along the road. Even roads to areas with disturbance-sensitive flora and fauna can be kept closed.

Keep this in mind when traveling on our roads

  • Park your car after the forest roads in such a way that other traffic is not obstructed.
  • Use parking pockets and natural parking opportunities.
  • Snowmobiling is generally prohibited on SCA's forest roads. Snowmobiles can damage plantations and young forest and it is very expensive to plow up roads where such traffic has taken place. Otherwise, the Off-Road Driving Act applies.