A building material with less impact
Our climate footprint today. With SCA's own EPDs, a thorough mapping of our entire value chain, from the forest, via the sawmill and out to the customer, we today have a firm grasp of the climate footprint of our sawn wood products.
The construction industry today accounts for approximately 40 percent of the world's carbon dioxide emissions and in the coming years needs to undergo extensive change in order to better meet tomorrow's environmental requirements.
From the raw material in the forest, via the sawmills and out to the customer, we at SCA have carefully reviewed and analyzed each process step in our value chain in order to be able to assess exactly to what extent the manufacture of our wood products in particular burdens the climate. An effort that clearly confirms the unique value of the forest and wood products.
SCA Wood reports EPD according to the international standards EN 15804 and ISO 14067. What is reported is GWP Fossil, Global Warming Potential – Fossil. This is our fossil emission from our value chain. The calculations include all the way from the raw material; the trees in the forest, via the sawmills and up to SCA's gates and is described in the form of so-called carbon dioxide equivalents. The climate impact of transport to customers in Scandinavia and parts of Europe is also reported on the customer's invoice.

To us, the choice is obvious
When we report the fossil footprint of our products, we do so in the form of so-called carbon dioxide equivalents (GWP-fossil). A standardized measure that makes it possible to compare different materials and products with each other and that simply summarizes how much carbon dioxide would have to be released into the atmosphere to have the same impact on the climate. In the examples on the right, you can see the footprint of some of our wood products in relation to products from other leading industry players made from other materials. For us, it goes without saying that wood is the way forward.
Read our EPDs0.4Kg CO2 eq/2,4m
Wooden beam 4.1Kg CO2 eq/2,4m
Steel studs 0.9Kg CO2 eq/m2
Natural woodpanels 9.5Kg CO2 eq/m2
Fiber cement board 14Kg CO2 eq/m2
Steel facade
Our EPDs

EPD Sawn dried timber
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EPD Planed timber
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EPD Roof board
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EPD Impregnated wood NTR A
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EPD Impregnated wood, NTR AB
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